MAW Vriddhi, the official importer of Changan and Deepal EVs in Nepal, has inaugurated a new showroom in Radheradhe, Bhaktapur. The company has appointed Skyline Motor as its dealer in Bhaktapur to offer customers a first-hand experience of Deepal EVs in the region.
The showroom was jointly inaugurated by Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Chairman of the Nepal Communist Party (Unified Socialist) and former Prime Minister, Mr. Vishnu Agarwal, Chairman of MAW Vriddhi, Mr. Vivek Sikaria, Managing Director of MAW Vriddhi, and Mr. Bishal Panday, Director of Skyline Motor.
During the inauguration ceremony, Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal emphasized the significance of AI-integrated vehicles in Nepal, particularly from a convenience and safety perspective. He remarked Artificial Intelligence is not only entering the field of information technology but also transforming the automobile sector. He further stressed that the government should work towards reducing the import of diesel and petrol vehicles by utilizing Nepal’s abundant hydropower to electrify vehicles, trains, and industries. He also called for making electric vehicles accessible to all segments of society.
Mr. Vishnu Agarwal, Chairman of MAW Vriddhi Autocorp, noted the rapid rise in the popularity of electric vehicles in Nepal due to their attractive design, safety, reliability, and economic benefits. He stated,” Today, 80% of cars being imported into Nepal are EVs, indicating growing confidence among Nepalese consumers in electric vehicles.”
He also expressed pride in representing China’s oldest and second-largest automobile company in Nepal. “Since its introduction six months ago, we have already delivered over 550 units of Deepal EVs, and all customers are satisfied with its performance”, he added.
Mr. Bishal Panday, Director of Skyline Motor, shared that they had started receiving positive feedback from the Bhaktapur market even before the official showroom opening.
MAW Vriddhi has already commenced its operations in Pokhara and plans to expand its network to five more cities, including Butwal, Birgunj, Narayanghat, Biratnagar, and Birtamod.
Since its introduction six months ago, Deepal has already delivered over 550 units of Deepal EVs. Deepal EVs offer over 15 first-time features, such as a welcome seat, sunflower touchscreen, augmented reality head-up display, gesture control, and headrest and outdoor speakers, making it one of the most popular electric vehicles in the Nepalese market within a short period.