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Protest Program Held In Pokhara Against Nepal Rastra Bank's Policies

Western Automobiles Dealers Association (WADA), the institutional member of NADA Automobiles Association of Nepal (NADA) from Gandaki Province, has conducted a peaceful protest program regarding unfavourable banking policies.Automobile businessmen carrying placards and banners with anti-policy slogans came down to Human rights Chowk in Pokhara. They allege that the latest policy of the government has led to the collapse of the automobile industry.The rally led by Krishna Prasad Shrestha - President of WADA, garnered support and solidarity from the Pokhara Business Association/ Industrial Association, Kaski Motorcycle Auto Association, and Nepalese Youth Entrepreneurs Forum Pokhara Chapter.  During the sit-in, NADA Vice-President Mohanbabu Khadka, Pokhara Chamber of Commerce Vice-President Gokarna Karki, NYEF's President Suyas Malla and others held opinions about the justification and necessity of the movement.The businessmen held demands such as reducing the risk of the loan, removing the cash margin, increasing the loan limit, and controlling the high premium that the bank is charging, etc.

Mahindra ADMahindra AD
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