A lucky winner has been awarded a cashback of Rs 5 lakh through CG Hero's special Dashain and Tihar promotion. The winner, Mr. Ram Kishun Yadav, bought a Hero Splendor + model from the City Trade Concern showroom in Lahan.
This offer provided customers the chance to win up to Rs 5 lakh with a scratch card when they purchase any Hero motorcycle or scooter, plus the opportunity to win a bumper prize of a Neta V electric car.
CG Motors operates a network of over 100 Hero showrooms across various locations in Nepal and plans to open more soon. As its customer base grows, the company is swiftly expanding its sales, service, and spare parts network throughout the country.
Moreover, the introduction of a 5-year warranty on motorcycles and scooters is anticipated to boost customer confidence. Hero Motocorp offers popular models such as the Super Splendor, Splendor Plus, Xpuls 200 4V, and the Zoom 110 scooter.