TVS has launched the Ntorq 125 Race Edition in the Indian market at a price tag of INR 62,995, which is INR 3,000 more than the standard model. The Race Edition now comes with T-shaped LED DRLs and few other cosmetic changes. Additionally, it is equipped with a hazard lamp which can be enabled by a red-coloured hazard switch. The scooter gets chequered flag graphics along with the 'Race Edition' emblem on the front apron and the side panels. The scooter comes in a three-tone combination of matte black, metallic black and metallic red colour.Launched in February 2018, the TVS Ntorq 125 crossed the 1 lakh units sales mark in less than seven months of its launch. The scooter is powered by a 124.79cc, single-cylinder, 4-stroke, 3-valve, air-cooled SOHC engine, that churns out 9.4 PS @7500 rpm and 10.5 Nm@5500 rpm.
Published Date: Published Date: 2019-09-20 15:36:16
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